In 1991, OU was invited on a tour of five colleges in Eastern Germany to assess the future of each one.
“The provost at the time went and visited these five universities and came away with the feeling that Leipzig had the most potential and some of the best opportunities,” said Bob Stewart, the former director of the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism.
In December of 1992, Stewart traveled to Leipzig to develop a relationship with the Communications Institute at the university and ended up returning to teach there for a semester.
The relationship Stewart helped solidify between the two universities has manifested itself in the exchange of a few hundred students between the two schools over the past few decades, a bond that still exists today. Although the dual-degree program that used to exist between Leipzig University and OU is currently on hiatus due to budget cuts, there is still an active exchange program going on between the two. That exchange program is what brought Felix Kainzbauer to Athens.
“It’s like the quintessential…college experience, and I’ve enjoyed that a lot.” —Felix Kainzbauer
Kainzbauer is currently living in Athens for a semester abroad during his time in graduate school, working toward his Master’s degree in Communication and Media Sciences from Leipzig University and taking mostly journalism courses at OU. He will be here for the duration of the fall semester and is excited to receive the American college experience through the small-town perspective.
“There isn’t much else here except the college, so it’s really the experience of this old university distilled down to this town, and it’s what I love about it,” he said. “It’s like the quintessential…college experience, and I’ve enjoyed that a lot.”
Kainzbauer grew up consuming a lot of American media and was intrigued to learn about the accuracy of those depictions.
“I was a bit surprised (by) how many of the stereotypes I had about college culture were not actually proven wrong,” he said.
This includes the party scene and the amount of school spirit Bobcats have, as opposed to German students who tend to lack that level of connection with their college.
Although the Leipzig exchange program is an integral part of the German student population at OU, it is not the only reason those students travel to Athens. Three students from the University of Bayreuth, Charlie Delfs, Tabea Oberglock and Lea Scholze, are all studying sports management through a dual-degree program. While Delfs and Scholze are just starting their time in Athens, Oberglock has been here for approximately two years and will be graduating in December.
“University life is very different here,” she said. “There is a lot of homework and you’re kept very much on track…whereas in Germany you either do it or you don’t. You don’t have homework, you just have one big final at the end, and either you’re going to pass or you don’t.”
As a sports management major, Oberglock was excited about the sporting events in America, a sentiment that she shares with Delfs, who has enjoyed learning about the football and tailgating culture in the U.S.
Both Delfs and Scholze expressed the difficulty of familiarizing oneself with the constant air conditioning in America, and Scholze agrees with Oberglock about the jarring difference between the grading systems of the two countries. Despite that adjustment, Scholze has enjoyed many parts of her experience, including the different worldviews about business, which was her initial collegiate pursuit. Scholze also offers advice to anyone planning on participating in any kind of study in a foreign country.
“Make friends, because you’ll need a support system, and you will find people that are really excited for you to be there” —Charlie Delfs
“I was shocked at first but you have to open your heart…and walk around with open eyes and see the little details that are different, because at the end of the day, that’s what makes you grow with your experience,” Scholze said.
Other bits of advice from German students include wisdom from Kainzbauer about preparing oneself for the inevitable culture shock and immersing oneself in the language of the host country.
“Make friends, because you’ll need a support system, and you will find people that are really excited for you to be there,” Delfs said.
Oberglock is realistic about the initial loneliness many exchange students experience but insists the pros of an experience abroad outweigh the cons.
“You’re going to be alone at first, but it gives you this amazing opportunity of getting to know yourself better and you grow so much because you learn so much about yourself and the world and…no one can ever take that away from you,” she said.
Kirsten Dabelko, the assistant director of global security, health and safety in the Office of Global Opportunities, believes that international students enjoy the opportunities to explore multiple disciplines through their coursework, as well as the resources that are provided as the master’s students prepare to write their theses when they return home.
Both Dabelko and Stewart agree that the Midwestern college experience is an overwhelmingly positive one for European students who don’t envision much beyond New York City or Los Angeles when asked to imagine life in America.
Dabelko is an advocate for the fact the program is focused on not only a cultural exchange but also an opportunity to make friends.
“This was a project of exchange, but it was also a project of friendship,” Dabelko said.
This sentiment is proven true by the fact that decades later, Stewart returned to Germany this past summer for the birthday party of a colleague he met while participating in the faculty exchange.
“It (is) a very important part of the program … people getting to know each other (and) becoming friends for life,” said Stewart.