The spring semester started off with a bang in January. A power line that supplied the entire town of Athens snapped and left the whole town without power. Unfortunately, students cannot bring candles to the dorms, so they were left to eat their cold dining hall meals in the dark. RAs still made it their personal mission to ensure that students were not congregating in common spaces, even though most were huddling for heat like penguins.
Then along came spring. More specifically, March which was utter madness. After OU made the news for something other than the budget crisis, students took to the streets to celebrate the Bobcats Win on March 20. They stood on top of cars, climbed trees and even shattered a light pole to show their enthusiasm. Students sacrificed their livers as a small gratitude to the green and white gods. However, these men are not gods. They walk among mortals and can be seen at the local Chipotle often. It makes no sense why anyone would destroy a town for them.
April saw the visit of Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine to OU’s Athens campus to tour Heritage Hall. Dewine sang the praises of those who are vaccinated and witnessed three OU students receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which he promptly paused the administration of the next day. The vaccine sat on shelves in Ohio for a hot minute while those for and against the vaccination bit each other’s heads off.
OU allowed all students to return to campus for the beginning of the Fall semester in August. Not only did this increase class sizes and the line at Boyd Market, but it also increased the wait for the bathroom at the bars. It's wonderful that students could come back to campus, but it's nowhere near as lovely as the rage that builds inside of someone after circling college green for 30 minutes for a parking spot.
And let’s not forget November, otherwise known as purgatory. Students are stuck in November forever. It’s internship season, it’s graduation season and it's also time to face your family over Thanksgiving dinner. There’s nothing worse than having to explain to grandma Sue that the money she sent went toward a gummy bear Hyde and not textbooks. Honestly, it's not even a break though. Spending time with extended family is like waiting in line for Fry’d on a Saturday night: irritating and unavoidable.
After all that we have faced this year, one thing is certain. No one would ever time travel to 2021 if they had the chance. It was a rough year at OU both socially and academically. From bringing almost everyone back to campus in January, to forcing those individuals to get vaccinated by November, it’s been one for the books — books to be banned and burned.
The Pest is a satirical column and does not reflect the views of The Post.