Ohio forward Tyler Harkins (22) makes a sharp turn to follow the puck behind the goal during the 8-0 Bobcat victory over Kent St on Saturday Feb. 29, 2020.

Mike Bloomberg's campaign office opens in Athens, Ohio, on Sunday Feb. 16, 2020, which spurs protests against him. These protesters were met by supporters of Bloomberg wanting to talk and listen to their views.

The Tantrum Theater puts on their production of "She Kills Monsters" under the direction of Qui Nguyen on Wednesday, Feb 19, 2020.

Narrow stairs cause for a bit of traffic going up and down the stair of Peden Stadium on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019.

Luna Hastings, left, and Olivia Moscheel, right, hang out near the window overlooking West Columbus Street at The HIVE in Nelsonville, Ohio, on Wednesday, Feb. 26 2020.